I’m losing my spark 🧨

I completely understand what life as a small business owner is like.

We make products we are so excited to release, just to get no engagement, no likes, shares, or sales.

It’s disheartening and frustrating, and I know for sure we’ve all thought about throwing the towel in at some point.

In our craft community, some businesses will make it, and some won’t.

I know we all look in envy at businesses that sell the same products as us and wonder why they perform better.

I’m going to talk about some ways we can help our engagement, and also how to overcome that sense of disappointment and get our spark back.

I regularly talk about faking it until we make it, and also how I keep it personal, and real, with my audiences.

Even on days you aren’t busy, spend the day on TikTok, spend the day on YouTube, browse wholesaler sites and amazon.

Find things you haven’t done before to give you some inspiration.

I spoke in my Spotify podcast about ‘creative breaks’

These are things I do when I’m completely over run with orders, but you can also use them when you’re not!

It’s dedicating time in to doing something YOU want to do.

Wether it be a design you’ve seen that you personally really love, but maybe wouldn’t sell. A really hard layered design to challenge yourself! Or something outside your usual scope of expertise.

Post this to your platforms! With something like ‘after being so busy this week I took a break to make something for myself for once, I adore it’

Not all your posts have to be selly, and your community will thank you for them getting to know you as a person too.

Make interactive posts, and make your group part of the making process.

When I receive new deliveries, even of things like gems, I’ll post a photo to the group with something like ‘okay so I’ve had this gemstone delivery, what characters or designs is this reminding you of?! I need inspiration 👀

You’ll be surprised with how many people will want to engage.

I know we try to keep out groups professional, but remember that we’re human too, and people like to see that!

Let’s take Ryan airs TikTok for example, the talk around this airline just because of how funny and ‘unprofessional’ their social media is, is all the example we need!

Times are definitely changing for business and it’s time to show your personality.

Another thing that can help us get our spark back is to set goals!

Where do you want to be in a week? Even if it’s as small as, make a new product to try!

Also share these goals with your group, I’ve always been so transparent with my sales, and with my targets, and customers love being a a part of making the magic happen.

Think about maybe talking to other businesspeople in your area! Does someone own an embroidery business that maybe isn’t doing so well? Do you only offer vinyl? Think about teaming up! 2 forces are better than one.

Last but not least, remember we are only human, and if you put 100% into everything you do, even if it doesn’t feel like it’s paying off right now, it’s building you the connections and putting you on the path to where you’re meant to be.

I promise 🫶🏻

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