Group engagements


We all know it can be hard to engage with an audience, to get customers to relate to you, and start discussions!

🌸 One tip I do have, it to keep posts that have engagement, trending!

I know it can be tempting to reply to everyone’s comments at once. But don’t!
With every new comment, that post is then re-entered into the feed.

Reply to one comment, wait 30 minutes to an hour, come back and comment again, this keeps that spark ignited for longer, and will show your posts to more of an audience!

🌸 keep people in love with your group by BEING PERSONAL.
Make customers feel like they know you, and that you’re friends with them personally!
If you make a new post for example on a character cold cup, tag an old customer who ordered a different character with something for example like ‘I enjoyed making this one just as much as I enjoyed making yours!’
Or ‘this cup reminded me so much of the one I made for you!’

This shows your customers they aren’t just an number and that you remember them on a personal level.


Even if you think they’re small.
I used to celebrate every hundred members. Now I celebrate every thousand and my customers have been around to see that right from the beginning.

Take a selfie of you with one parcel at the post office with a caption like ‘manifesting this one to be one hundred by next year!😉’

Customers don’t want to feel sold to they want to feel like they know YOU.

Don’t feel embarrassed to post what you’re doing with your day, add photos!
Blog like nobody is watching.
I’m not promising you’ll get engagement straight away, but you’ll soon become a familiar face!
In the society we’re in covered with celebrities and influencers, people don’t just buy your products they buy YOU.

🌸 mistakes not to make!

Instead of focusing on growing your group, focus on engaging with the members you have.
Greed can cause a downfall. And having 1,000 regularly contributing members is much more powerful than 10,000 members that aren’t interested in your content.

It may seem like a tedious task, but when you put the work in, it starts working for you 🫶🏻

More information on how to grow your Facebook group here 🛍️
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